• Acting for an american investment fund before the Court of Appeal of Paris. Appealing of a penalty given by the French market authority (“Autorité des Marchés Financiers”) in connection with the creation of an equity line program.

    Damien Challamel (2016)

  •  Summary proceedings before the Commercial Court of Paris against an ex parte order appointing an interim company director.

    Erwan Cossé / Damien Challamel (2016)

  •  Acting for the director of real estate company in connection with a revocation action.

    Jean-Luc Elhoueiss / Damien Challamel (2016)

  •  Acting for a salaried manager in relation with an unfair competition action (violation of know-how).

    Damien Challamel (2016)

  •  Unfair competition action (customer poaching practices).

      Damien Challamel (2016)

  • Termination of a cell line license agreement. Acting for a Belgian biotech company before the Courts of Compiègne, Lille and Douai.

    Damien Challamel (2013/2016)